Today is August 7th. Pretty much 20 days before I embark on my little adventure across the east coast. Two months of cycling awaits me...and I'm sure many many days of back cramps, sweat patches, and rainy clouds hanging over my head. I'm sure these months will also hold amazing vistas, inspiring people...and perhaps a shift of perspective..and a new take on the road ahead? I think so.
Every time I think about the fact that this happening in less than a month my stomach flips a little bit...and I start to think about how I can start waterproofing everything I own.
I said goodbye to my wee "free spirit" vintage bike yesterday...sad party. I really felt like we had a bond considering we were both babes of 1985.
Should I write it a wee poem?...a eulogy?
O, royal blue
I rode you
even when I had the flu
Your spokes and grease
gave me limited peace
now you are back with John
that Slovakian pawn (broker)
Fare thee well
and never do tell
of those secret late night trips
where we found ourselves ill-equipped
to....fall in love with each other...
hmmm...that was less than mediocre.
apologies free spirit.
So, I would love to post photos...but I am missing my camera as soon as that is found, I will share.
On another note...The Ocean awaits! I'm excited to dip my feet in salty water and smell the Halifax air...
Wendell Berry writes a sweet little poem about the ocean and a farmer...
here is a portion:
The sea always arriving,
hissing in pebbles, is breaking
its edge where the landsman
squats on his rock. The dark
of the earth is familiar to him,
close mystery of his source
and end, always flowering
in the light and always
fading. But the dark of the sea
is perfect and strange,
the absence of any place,
immensity on the loose.
-Wendell Berry sweet old man, you.
More to come.