I've discovered a place of peace.
Get up.
Stick my head under the tap.
Burn some Uncle Ted's Tasty Poridge.
Listen to news about the Kremlin.
Walk back and forth between the back door, my bedroom, the back door, my bedroom.
Gather up courage to leave the house.
Make my way past the train tracks.
Past the wolf graffiti.
Past the smiling school bus driver.
Get angry with the wind for blowing my head inside out.
Enter favorite coffee shop.
Verb+noun= poetry
and Hope.
and a refreshing laugh-er sitting close by.
and pear-ginger juice to be spilled all over my books.
and opportunities for friendship.
One taken.
One feared.
Semi-satisfied smile and exit.
Give those "Hidden Cameras" a second chance.
Smile at the "DrinkWater Hardware" Store.
Wave at the exercisers in the window front.
Get on with life.
as if never inspired or anxious about the future.
thoughts and thoughts and thoughts.
sane and insane.
fall asleep to images of cirque de soliel dancers performing the shape of a bunk bed.
get tossed around by giant waves. crash onto a rocky shore.
dream and dream and dream. and recall. and recite.
and imagination begins in an ending.